A Garden of Delights

Archive for the ‘Education’ Category

What makes someone an underachiever?

It’s not as simple as throwing a few descriptive terms into the pot and stirring; I know that much. In this recipe everyone has his or her own specialty, a seasoning blend that stands out, marking one as a true “master of the craft”.

Problem is…it gives everyone who tries it indigestion.

This is the first in what may be a series of posts on paths: the ones we choose and the ones we end up on despite all our intentions.  Nothing here is meant as a criticism to those who were involved in deciding my own path and/or helped direct me to where I am now.  If anything, it’s a living testimony that the things that often seem so very terrible when they occur are the exact things we need. Read the rest of this entry »

I’ve been having a delightful time of late reading (really catching up because so much is already out there) other people’s blogs.  The Blogosphere is quite the happening place of late and since I’ve always loved to “People Watch” my PC seems to be the next best thing to sitting in the mall with a pen, paper and a Chai latte.  And I get to do my laundry and dusting too!

Of course, the people I find in the mall are people who tend to be the kind who like malls.  Good for me, since I really hate malls and this opens a new window to the world for me.  Of course, I do love Chai, and spending time in places that sell great lattes tends to lead me to the kind people who like tea and books and pens and paper….

Recently I’ve been reading a lot of blog posts by people who are in the Unschooling community (if such thing really exists).  I know I’ve mentioned this before, since I have a friend who is actively and radically unschooling her two children and we’ve come to verbal blows about how my fascination of her lifestyle flows.  I do think we both have a better understanding of the differences in the ways our minds work now. but it was a long hard road.

Anyway, the truth is I do see what these people are saying in my own experiences with my son.  Marcus is constantly amazing me with the things he does.  His delight with languages and with numbers, with writing…  I truly must get the scanner hooked up and post of some thing things he’s done, if only because I’ll be able to enjoy the time looking over his creations.  And if anyone wants to help choose some good Spanish — English readers for him, I’ll head over to the bookstore in an instant.  French, Spanish, German, Japanese…  He’s already moved onto the For Dummies series just because he read the titles on the bookshelf.

We certainly practice strewing here.

However, we did still choose to send our son to Early Childhood Schooling at Doane Stuart.  And that doesn’t really fit the model of the Unschooling lifestyle as I’ve seen it.  My reasons were many at the time.Here’s a few:

    1) I was feeling overwhelmed at the time and felt I could not be the mother my son needed without risking real harm to him (I had, and still have, a lot of childhood issues to deal with that I didn’t want to subject to; fortunately we’ve both grown and changed over the year).
    2) All my attempts to really connect with the local homeschool groups seemed to work well in the Ether, but never in person…after the umpteenth time of telling Marcus we would be meeting some other kids at a playground or a park or a restaurant, only to find no one there, I felt so frustrated and depressed.  Yes, we still had some fun, but I could see that how much it was hurting him and how much he was beginning to doubt it when Mommy would make plans.  A school setting gave my son a security I was clearly failing in giving him.
    3) Silly as it may sound, I just couldn’t bring myself to see my son risking himself learning some of those basic skills (scissor use, playing on monkey bars, etc) that so many kids do without freaking. And yet, I knew I should not let my fears for him rule his life.

I could go on, but except for the yearly decision to continue at DS or try something new, the reasons aren’t interesting to most people.  The effects perhaps are.

Truth be told, it was a rocky road.  I now am sure that my fears of Marcus being too young to be away from home so long were founded.  If I’d had to send him to a school that wasn’t as open about parental involvement as DS, I’d have pulled him out  early on, and the expense be damned.  Fortunately I was able to have those special Tuesday Concert days with him, take him out early for special Mommy/Marcus times on Fridays, come into class and read and paint, go to the theatre and on field trips with him, smile at him through the window, be there for his nurse visit.  Heck, on my “in the city” days, I’m as likely to be on the campus as off it.  I’ve even written some of my story in there.

Parenting is letting go.  I’m convinced of that, and I had to let go of my son a lot this year.  But in letting go, no matter how one does it, I feel the goal is to allow the child we are raising to go out and take the world into his/her hands and say “This is mine, I love it, and I want to experience it fully!”

Our own journey is an ever changing one that we continue to look at with considering eyes, adjusting our course to see what direction we feel will best get us to that goal.  Will we send Marcus to school next year? As I’ve told him, if he wants to go, we’ll make it work.  If not, we can find other options.

And just for the record, and in honor of those “cow trails” that Dee and I love to follow…  This was not at all what I intended to write about.  But clearly it is what I needed to write about.

Maybe I’ll even get back to the in depth analysis of this delightful Blog post that had inspired me to pick up the keyboard and stop crocheting that blanket I’m trying to finish making.

Marcus finished his first week at Doane Stuart on Friday.  I took a day and some to gather some thoughts and observations, both on his state and mine.

1) In general, Marcus seems to be happier.  He giggles more, he laughs more, he has children to play with.

2) Marcus was sad on Friday.  He cried going in and didn’t want me to leave.  He was crying when I came to pick him up, but when I think about the timing I wonder if it was because of nap/quiet time…  He wakes up badly often.  If they woke him to get him ready to go home, I understand how that could have thrown him off.  He was actually cranky the whole evening, but Saturday morning woke up happy and started getting ready for “school” on his own.  Bad day, maybe?

3) I have had time alone.  It seems selfish to say this, but I have to.  I spent the last three days, not talking with anyone really (five minute chat with the receptionist at the Albany Institute , and another chat with a couple of elderly women looking through the NY timeline display plus home time with Dan and Marcus).  It has been amazing.  I’ve been filling notebooks, writing down ideas, reading (I devoured four books in those two days), walking…heck, I sat in the car and just stared into space one morning.  Rediscovering me.

4) I wonder at what the above notes mean.  Am I selfish for being happy Marcus is in school for most of a day?  He’s so young.  I do miss him and think about him.  But I’m glad he is there too.  So am I selfish for wanting this?  I don’t think so.  When I picked up Marcus on Friday, even with his tears and near tantrum (something that often tensed me up before and without a lot of self-stifling and control, often through gritted teeth), I was able to gather him up, hug him, smile and help him through the tears.  He stayed cranky, yes, but I was able to accept it and just watch it and be there when he needed me to hold him.  I didn’t have to police myself as much.  And because of this, I felt more assured that I was making the right choice.

Yesterday and today we have had an amazing time.  We are having an amazing time.  There have been no need for harsh words, lots more hugs, lots more talks.  I can hold my son without feeling that I have no personal space or that my contact quota (as I’ve called that sense of the world caving in on me from all directions that I get) has been filled.
I used to get Marcus’s three hour naps, but they haven’t been happening lately at all.  And lately, though I love him, Dan had been working from home a lot….  I never felt alone, and I really needed it.

I knew a long time ago that I wasn’t as outgoing as the rest of the world seemed to be.  I tried to adjust, but I really, I never did.  Instead, I became more reckless and more uncontrolled and more unhappy, which in turn made me more reckless, etc..  My son seems to be more extroverted than I am naturally (though according to my mother I was very outgoing as a child,; so who knows), and he’s quite cautious and “stand-offish” in public settings.  Or, perhaps he’s like me…  He likes to be alone in a crowd.  I don’t know.

I do know that so far this seems to be helping us be us.

First Friday Photo

Something to inspire

obligatory “What I Allow”

Member of The Internet Defense League

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